
Two types of LaTeX content

This app supports two types of LaTeX content. Simple content such as e = mc^2 will be rendered by MathJax engine, and more complex content that uses packages such as tikz or chemfig will be rendered by TeX Live engine.

Insert macros

In the article editor, click the Insert button, and select View more from the list.

In the Select macro dialog, search for "latex".

Alternatively, type / (slash) and select the LaTeX macros.

Insert simple LaTeX content (MathJax engine)

To insert simple LaTeX content please use the following macros:

  • Render LaTeX content inline

  • Render LaTeX content as block

These macros use MathJax engine to render content. The content is as simple as e=mc2 and does not require LaTeX preambles.

The editor dialog allow users to type the LaTeX content and preview the result instantly. Errors will be highlighted in red color.

While editing a formula, you can click on the Editor button to open the LaTeX Math Editor. This editor will help you write LaTeX content easily with many visual hints. You can open the Math Keyboard by clicking on the keyboard icon in the right-hand corner of the Math Editor preview area. The content you write here will be filled to the Macro editor. For block content, you can also specify the alignment as left, right, center. To close the editor, click Apply or Cancel button in the top right corner.

Click Save to apply the macro. Then click Publish to save the article.

The article with LaTeX content will then be rendered.

Insert complex LaTeX content (TeX Live engine)

Sometimes you need to render complex LaTeX content such as the following one


which will be rendered as

In this case, please make use of the following macros:

  • (Advanced) Render complex LaTeX content inline using TeX Live engine

  • (Advanced) Render complex LaTeX content as block using TeX Live engine

The editor dialog allow users to type the LaTeX content and preview the result instantly. Errors will be highlighted in red color. For block content, you can also specify the alignment as left, right, center.

Please make sure that the following preample is used since it will exclude page headers, footers, and numbers from the output:


The following sections will show you some examples.

3d plots


Chemistry formulae



\put(0,0){{\color{blue}\circle*{0.25}}\hbox{\kern3pt \texttt{(0,0)}}}
\put(3,3){{\color{red}\circle*{0.25}}\hbox{\kern3pt \texttt{(3,3)}}}
\draw (-2,0) -- (2,0);
\filldraw [gray] (0,0) circle (2pt);
\draw (-2,-2) .. controls (0,0) .. (2,-2);
\draw (-2,2) .. controls (-1,0) and (1,0) .. (2,2);

Refer to a LaTeX content

You can refer to existing LaTeX content. Below are the instructions.

Provide a reference name for the LaTeX content.

In edit mode, the number will be shown as (TBD).

Insert the Render LaTeX Reference macro.

Publish the page.

Mobile support

LaTeX content can also be viewed on mobile phones via Atlassian's Confluence Cloud apps.

Last updated