
Mermaid UML Diagrams

Please make sure the Jira Server can connect to We use this Web Service to render the diagrams.

This app renders Mermaid UML diagrams inside Jira Wiki Editor. The Mermaid UML content must be wrapped inside the {uml}…{uml} macro. For Jira 7+, the macros have to be used in Text mode and not Visual mode.

Mermaid ( allows you to define UML diagrams in plain-text format just like Markdown. For a live editor to draft your diagrams, please try

As an example, after the app is installed, please paste the following text into Issue Description:

    participant Alice
    participant Bob
    Alice->>John: Hello John, how are you?
    loop Healthcheck
        John->>John: Fight against hypochondria
    Note right of John: Rational thoughts <br />prevail!
    John-->>Alice: Great!
    John->>Bob: How about you?
    Bob-->>John: Jolly good!

For Jira 7+, the macros have to be used in Text mode and not Visual mode.

All Mermaid UML content will be rendered as below.

Graphviz Diagrams

This app renders Graphviz diagrams inside Jira Wiki Editor. The Graphviz content must be wrapped inside the {graphviz}…{graphviz} macro. For Jira 7+, the macros have to be used in Text mode and not Visual mode.

As an example, after the app is installed, please paste the following text into Issue Description:

graph {
  a -- b;
  b -- c;
  a -- c;
  d -- c;
  e -- c;
  e -- a;

For Jira 7+, the macros have to be used in Text mode and not Visual mode.

All Graphviz content will be rendered as below.



Sequence diagram

Class diagram

State diagram

Entity Relationship diagram

User Journey

Gantt chart

Pie chart


Last updated

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